一、项目名称 Project name
中文: 永城煤电集团年产50万吨甲醇项目
English: 500,000 t/a Methanol of Yongcheng Coal &Electricity Group Co., Ltd.
二、申报单位 Declare Company
中文: 河南龙宇煤化工有限公司
English: Henan Longyu Coal Chemical Co., Ltd
三、申办单位简况Company General
企业成立时间(Date of foundation) 2004.11.22 Property 企业性质 国有 State Owned
注册资本(万元)Registration Fund (Unit:10,000RMB) 20,000 Main Product
主营产品 甲醇 Methanol
目前生产规模Present Scale of Production 50万吨甲醇/年在建500,000 t/a Methanol on building
四、项目概况 General Situation of Project
(一) 项目内容 Project content
项目背景概况 General Project Background
中文: 永煤集团煤炭资源储量大,煤质为特低灰,特低硫、低磷、中高发热量的低变质无烟煤,是优质的工业气化、冶金、化工、动力、环保用煤,产品在华东、华南地区及东南亚等国内外市场均受赞誉。尽管如此,由于缺乏资金等诸多因素的影响,使该地区长期以向外销售原料煤为主,煤矿开采成为当地的支柱性产业,产业结构单一,其它地方工业十分薄弱,资源优势未能得到应有的发挥,制约了地区经济的大踏步发展。随着我国加入WTO及能源战略向中西部转移,国家和河南省政府更进一步重视豫东地区的煤炭开发,一方面加大资金投入,形成了1300万吨原煤的生产能力;另一方面,积极扩展投资渠道,寻找发展前景良好的投资去向,把直接输出煤资源,改为大力发展以煤为原料的化工产品加工业,全方位扩展当地工业发展的格局,大幅提升输出产品的经济价值,推动当地经济的迅猛发展。国家实施西部大开发的战略决策以及省政府的大力支持,为永煤集团的发展提供了十分有利的历史机遇。抓住这个难得的机遇,把本地区的资源优势转化为经济优势,增加新产品,寻求新的经济增长点,把永城建设成能源重工业基地,是因地制宜发展当地经济的必由之路,既符合国家及省政府的发展战略,也是永煤集团保持企业持续发展之必要条件。永煤集团依据政府发展规划和资金来源状况,由永煤集团出资,在矿区辅助企业区建设一个50万吨/年甲醇生产装置,以此作为发展煤化工的基础。
英文: Yongcheng Coal &Electricity Group Co., Ltd. has a very plenty of coal storage. The coal is the kind of anthracite which has property of especial lower ash, sulfur, phosphor and middle high heating value, and suitable for industrial gasification, metallurgy, chemical, power, and environmental using. The production has a good report in eastern China, southern China, eastern and southern Asia countries and other countries market. However, Because of shortage of fund and a good many reasons, much coal production are sold to other place in a long period, coal mine exploitation is the supporting industry, the structure for industry is single, the scale for other local industry is small, the advantage for energy sources still can not be brought into play, the local economy is restricted. The nation and Henan province pay more attention to coal mine exploitation in eastern of Henan province further more with the joining WTO and stratagem transferring of energy source to eastern area. On one hand, many fund have been put into and the capacity of 13000 thousand tons coal are formed; the other hand, look for good investment project, and developing chemical processing for coal as raw material in stead of selling the coal directly. By Enlarging the local economy structure from many aspect and promoting the economic value of production to push the development of local economy. When nation are developing the western of China, Yongcheng Coal &Electricity Group Co., Ltd. now meet very good history opportunity for development with the supports of Henan government. For development, the only way is, catching the hold of the chance and using the advantage of energy sources to increase the new production. Building Yongcheng city as energy source heavy industry is the line with the stratagem of government, and also is the necessary condition for keeping continue development of Yongcheng Coal &Electricity Group Co., Ltd. According government plan and the situation of fund source, Yongcheng Coal &Electricity Group Co., Ltd. supply fund to build a 500 thousand tons annual methanol unit in coal mine auxiliary enterprise area, and take this unit as the basic for development of coal chemical.
项目具体选址 place choosing for project
中文: 河南省永城市侯岭乡
English: Houling Town, Yongcheng City, Henan Province, China.
中文: 甲醇是基本有机化工原料,可进一步加工为二甲醚、甲醛、醋酸、醋酐等。经过再加工,可以得到几百种化工产品,如将甲醛加工成1.4-丁二醇、PBT工程塑料、聚甲醛、改性聚苯醚等;将醋酸、醋酐加工成醋酸乙烯、香烟过滤咀、胶片等。以甲醇为基本原料,可以派生一大批高附加值产品和高利税企业,具有广阔的发展前景,符合国家及省政府的地区经济发展战略规划。
English: Methanol is a basic organic chemical raw material, which can be used to synthesize dimethyl ether, formaldehyde, HAc and acetic anhydride, etc. After reprocessing the mentioned chemicals, it can produce hundreds of chemical products, such as synthesizing 1.4-BDO, PBT engineering plastics, poly-formaldehyde and modified polyphenylene oxide from formaldehyde, producing vinyl acetate, cigarette filters and films from HAc and acetic anhydride, etc. it can derive many high extra-value products and high profit and tax enterprises by using methanol as basic raw material , so it has a brilliant future and tally with the economic developing policies of our national government and province governments.
Methanol can be used as the replacing fuel for cars and civil utilization. Using the mixture of gasoline and methanol is considered as a practical, economical, safe and environmental way all over the world. In order to generalize the mixture of gasoline and methanol for cars in china, Chinese National Bureau of Standards is stipulating the criterion and execution in detail by making cooperation with the related departments of the State Economic and Trade Commission. This will provide a good developing future for methanol industry. Solving the replacing products for the fuel oil is not only the national stratagem policy, but also the important measures for realizing the span-type development. After complete the construction and production of this project, it can replace a part of import of petroleum, reduce the import amount and supply risk of petroleum, tally with the national petroleum safety policies and industrial development policies. So it is an important way of developing coal chemical industry of CYMG by utilizing the abundant coal sources to synthesize methanol for replacing part of gasoline. After the project is finished, it will consume 1.22million tons coal, produce 500thousands tons methanol and other by-products, increasing the production value from 220million RMB to 830million RMB, and get a annual profit of 280million RMB. Meanwhile, it will increase the employment opportunities for people, increase social service requirement and promote the prosperity of our society. In one word, construction of methanol enterprise can exert the advantages of local sources, modify the traditional industry by using modern new technologies, improve the adjustment of local economic structure and optimizing the upgrade of CYMG’s industry, achieve a new way of economic development, realize continuable development, make good foundation for the development of local coal chemical industry, have good economic and social profits.
项目建设内容及规模(Construction and scale of project)
项目建设类型((Types of construction) √新建(New) □扩建(Expansion) □改建项目(Rebuild)
项目建设是否占地(project construction occupy land?)
√是(Yes) □否(No)
面积(万平方米) (Area) 440000 m2
厂房等建筑的建设面积(万平方米)(construction area of building like workshop etc.) 114270m2
设备(包括生产线)购置数量、引进什么技术及其他需说明的主要建设内容(quantity of equipments procured, technical to be introduced and other main items to be described ) 50万吨/年甲醇项目引进了两项国外专利技术。一是煤气化装置采用荷兰壳牌干粉煤气化技术,二是酸性气脱除装置装置采用德国鲁奇低温甲醇洗技术。Two know-how technologies were introduced for 500,000 t/a methanol project. 1. Coal gasification plant use Shell coal gasification technology from Netherlands,
2. Sour gas removal plant uses Lurgi Rectisol technology from Germany.
(二)项目投资估算(project investment estimation )
总投资(万美元) (total investment) 28.5亿元
2.85 billion 拟引资(万美元) (planed investment promotion )
项目企业自筹 (万美元)(self-financing of company) 25.65亿元 其他方式融资 (万美元)(other way to attract investment ) 2.85亿元
Auxiliary condition for project(land, road, water, electricity, communication and other auxiliary construction)
中文: 本项目选择的厂址,具备下列良好的条件:
English: There are following good conditions at the selected place for this project.
(1)The coal from mine can be transported with a short distance to reduce the cost for transportation.
(2)There is a good geological condition, the surface is flat and smooth, so the civil construction cost can be controlled.
(3) Hydrologic condition can give a guarantee for industrial water and water supply on this project.
(4)The new built special train line is short because of having good transported basic facilities
(5)The power supply for this projects can be provided with transformer substation from Chensilou Mine.
(6)Having a good developing industrial land.
(Project market forecast and benefit analysis)
中文: 甲醇可深加工的有机化工产品有上百种,如甲醛、MTBE、醋酸、甲醇钠、氯甲烷、甲酸甲酯、甲酰胺、二甲基甲酰胺等等,预计这方面的需求今后会有适度发展:① 2000年我国甲醛产量达206.8万吨,近年随着我国基本建设的不断加强,甲醛消费量增长迅速。预计2010年甲醛需求量将达到293万吨,届时消费甲醇达132万吨;②目前我国醋酸生产多采用粮食发酵法或乙烯法,随着甲醇羰基合成醋酸工艺的发展,对甲醇的需求将迅速增加。预计2010年我国醋酸的需求量将达144~162万吨,按甲醇羰基法占60%计,将需求甲醇达52万吨;③多种农药的生产直接以甲醇为原料,如杀螟松、乐果、敌百虫等,预计到2010年甲醇用于生产农药约为34万吨;④多种医药药品以甲醇为原料,如长效磺胺、维生素B6等,预计到2010年甲醇用于医药约为18万吨;⑤染料生产过程中用甲醇作原料或溶剂,如红色基RC、分散红GLZ、阴率子GRL、酞菁素等等,预计2010年甲醇用量约为10万吨;⑥有机玻璃等合成树脂也需用甲醇为原料,预计到2010年甲醇用于生产合成树脂与塑料用量约为7万吨;⑦合成化纤与合成橡胶工业,2010年甲醇用量约为13万吨;⑧我国MTBE生产正处于快速增长期,现有MTBE装置27套,总生产能力62万吨/年,而年需求量约80万吨,有一定缺口。一些企业正对装置进行扩建改造或新建装置,预计到2010年我国MTBE需求甲醇将增加至45万吨左右;⑨甲醇是一种易燃液体,可作汽车燃料。以甲醇掺混汽油、全甲醇为燃料的汽车国内外均已进行了多年试验、示范运行,技术上、经济上均为可行,其市场前景极为广阔。2000年我国汽油表观消费量达4030万吨,若掺混10%的甲醇,则甲醇需求将达400万吨以上。
English: Methanol can be further processed to hundreds of organic products, such as formaldehyde, MTBE, acetic acid, sodium methoxide, chloromethane, methyl formate, formamide, 2-methyl formamide etc., the demand for those will be expand in future: ① in 2000, the production of formaldehyde is 2,068,000 tons, along with our country continue reinforce the infrastructure, the consumption of formaldehyde will increase rapidly. We anticipate the demand of formaldehyde will up to 2,930,000 tons, and 1,320,000 tons of methanol will be consumed; ② At present, the acetic acid mainly produced by food zymotechnics or ethane in our country, along with the development of synthesizing acetic acid process with methanol, the demand of methanol will increase rapidly. The domestic demand of acetic acid up to 1,440,000-1,620,000 tons can be anticipated in 2010, if 60% is produced by methanol, 520,000 tons of methanol will be consumed;③Methanol can be used as feedstock to directly produce various pesticides ,such as fenitrothion, omethoate, dipterex etc., we anticipate that approximately 340,000 tons of methanol will be used to produce pesticides in 2010. ④ Various medicines use methanol as feedstock, such as sulfanilamide, vitamin B6 etc., we anticipate that approximately 180,000 tons of methanol will be used to produce medicines in 2010. ⑤ In the duration of dye production, methanol can be used as feedstock or solvent, such as scarlet base RC, disperse red GLZ, phthalocyanin⑥ Synthetic resin also need methanol as feedstock such as organic glass, we anticipate that about 70,000 tons of methanol will be used to produce synthetic resin and plastics in 2010; ⑦Synthetic fibers and synthetic rubber industry, will use methanol about 800,000 tons in 2010; ⑧ At present, the production of MTBE is increase rapidly, there are 27 set of plants, total production capacity is 620,000 tons every year, and the demand is about 800,000 tons, there is gap between demand and supply. Some companies now are enlarging the capacity of plant or building new plant, we anticipate that the demand of methanol to produce MTBE will up to about 450,000 tons;⑨ Methanol is flammable liquid which can be used as automobile fuel. The tests and demonstrating operation for cars that use methanol-gasline mixture or methanol as fuel have been carried out for many years, it is feasible both in technical and economy, and it has a very good future. In the year 2000, the apparent consumption of gasoline is up to 40,300,000 tons, if 10% of methanol is mixed in, the demand for methanol will higher than 4000,000 tons. e etc., we anticipate that 100,000 tons of methanol will consumed for this in 2010;
The benefit analysis see attached table
五、项目进展情况(Progress of project)
政策(Policy): 是否符合国家产业政策及本省产业规划
(Whether conform to state industry policies and provincial industry plan)
(Project proposal ): 是否申报,是否核准或备案
(Whether declared, approved or put on record )
(Land , environment protection): 是否符合国家土地政策及环保规定
(Whether conform to state land policies and environment protection regulations)
六、拟引资方式(Ways ofinvestment promotion)
√合资 □合作 □独资 □其它
(Joint venture) (Cooperate) (Sole investment) (Miscellaneous)
七、申报单位联系方式(Contact information of company)
中文: 河南龙宇煤化工有限公司
English: Henan Longyu Coal Chemical Co. Ltd.
邮编(Postal code): 476600
项目负责人(Principal for the project): 赵路忠
电话(Tel): 0370-5193999 手机(Mobile phone): 13703706676
联系人(Contact): 石自更
电话(Tel): 0370-5193997 手机(Mobile phone): 13526322666
传真(Fax): 0370-5193997 电子信箱(E-mail): shizigeng@163.com